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The Indiana University Program in Pure and Applied Logic


The IU Logic Program brings in Pure and Applied Logic together the talents of both logicians and researchers in related areas from the university's departments of Computer Science, History and Philosophy of Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Philosophy. The Program's contributing departments regularly offer a wide variety of graduate courses in logic, ranging in topic from the fundamentals through advanced seminars. In addition, the Logic Program sponsors a weekly, multidisciplinary seminar in logic as well as a more informal, weekly meeting for applied logic.


The program carries on a long tradition of excellence in logic at IU. The university was home to people who have a permanent place in the subject, including Paul Halmos, Raymond Smullyan, and Max Zorn. The program also got a new formal start in 1990 when College Professor Jon Barwise moved to IU.

This website

This site has evolved over the years due to the efforts of Gerard Allwein, Axel Barcelo, Yuko Murakami, Larry Moss, and others. You will find links to pages on the faculty and upcoming courses, to the requirements for the Minor and Certificate in Logic, and information on our seminar.

Indiana University
Program in Pure and Applied Logic

Rawles Hall, Bloomington, IN 47405

Last updated: 15 March 2024
Comments: iulg@indiana.edu
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