PhD. Students
Set Theoretic Representations of Form Systems and Elementary Universes.
Address: Indiana University Mathematics Department.
Deductive Systems and Grammars: Proofs as Grammatical Structures.
Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Illinois Wesleyan University.
Logic and Inference in State Spaces.
Address: Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, Colombia.
Equational Logic of Recursive Program Schemes.
Address: Math Department, Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Message Dependence and Formal Verification of Authentication Protocols.
Address: Computer Science Department, Fisk University, Tennessee.
Modal Logic of Partitions.
Addresses: Division for International Research and Educational Cooperation, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Japan.
Coalgebras on Measurable Spaces.
Address: Departamento de Matematica, Universidad Nacional de Sur, Argentina.
Probabilistic Reasoning on Metric Spaces.
Address: Hedge Fund of Fidelity, Boston.
Adding Temporal Logic to Dynamic Epistemic Logic.
A Complete Deductive Probabilistic Logic with Applications to Harsanyi Type Spaces.
Address: Renmin University, China.
Topological Presentation of Canonicity for Varieties of Modal Algebras.
Higher-order Algebras and Coalgebras.
The Computable Properties of Decomposable and Completely Decomposable Groups. Co-advisor: Steffen Lempp of the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Address: Math Department, Eastern Washington University.
A Lambda Calculus for Monotonicity Reasoning.
Logics for Coalgebras of Finitary Set Functors.
Address: University of Birmingham, UK.
The Natural Numbers in Predicative Univalent Type Theory. Co-advisor: Amr Sabry.
Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wesleyan University.
Symbolic and Neural Approaches to Natural Language Inference. Co-advisor: Sandra Kubler.
Address: Department of English, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Results on the Structure of Transducer Degrees.
I was an editor of
and currently on the editorial boards of
and on the advisory board of
Invited talks
Program Committees
I play the fiddle in:
The Maxwell Rovers (contra dance band: Irish and Old-Time).
The Pirate Flags (don't ask).
A youtube of the Pirate Flags playing
The Ballad of John Silver can be found
The Hunted Haunted Bazhergan
I play the fiddle in: